How to use macros in SQL? (for every thing, that was selected)
I mean something like this:
is a table, which have two variables: (for example) Lib
and Table
Each observation in &VarTable
is the name of table: Lib.Table
I want to do things for every table:
1) exist?
2) sort it
and last condition:
each table, if it exist, have a variable &VarField
%macro mSortedTable(vLib,vTab,vVar);
%if %sysfunc(exist(&vLib..&vTab)) %then %do;
proc sort data = &vLib..&vTab;
by &vVar;
%else %do; "" %end;
%mend mSortedTable;
proc sql noprint;
select %mSortedTable(vLib=Lib,vTab=Table,vVar=&VarField)
into: AccumVar separated by " "
from &VarTable;
how to do this with sql and macros?
Do you have to use sql and macros? A simple data step and call execute
would do what you need here.
Below is an example that takes a data set that has a list of tables to process, checks to see if the table exists and if it does, sorts it by &VarField. This could be easily extended to sort each table by a custom set of variables if desired.
If the table does not exist, it generates a warning message.
/* create fake data */
data testdat;
length lib $8 table $32;
input lib $ table $;
work test1
work test2
work test3
work doesnotexist
/* create 3 data sets */
data work.test1 work.test2 work.test3;
input var1 var2 var3;
1 34 8
2 54 5
12 5 6
/* end create data */
%let VarTable=work.testdat;
%let VarField=var2 var3;
data _null_;
set &VarTable;
if exist(dsname) then do;
call execute("proc sort data=" || strip(dsname) || "; by &VarField; run;");
else do;
put "WARNING: The data set does not exist: " lib= table=;