I use phonegap 1.3.0 to develop mobile application. when i click one button that will invoke my plugin to invoke a js function, after about 20s, countered the error: "E/DroidGap(21383): DroidGap: TIMEOUT ERROR! - calling webViewClient" in eclipse log console. and the emulator alert a dialog, show error message : The connection to the server was unsuccessful.(javascript:showProcessBar(1)) How can I fix the error? thanks!
There are some details below to complement my question. when I invoke js function in phonegap plugin. there must will show error message in logcat:"E/DroidGap(21383): DroidGap: TIMEOUT ERROR! - calling webViewClient" .
I find the code that generate the error. just below:
private void loadUrlIntoView(final String url) {
if (!url.startsWith("javascript:")) {
LOG.d(TAG, "DroidGap.loadUrl(%s)", url);
this.url = url;
if (this.baseUrl == null) {
int i = url.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i > 0) {
this.baseUrl = url.substring(0, i+1);
else {
this.baseUrl = this.url + "/";
if (!url.startsWith("javascript:")) {
LOG.d(TAG, "DroidGap: url=%s baseUrl=%s", url, baseUrl);
// Load URL on UI thread
final DroidGap me = this;
this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Init web view if not already done
if (me.appView == null) {
// Handle activity parameters
// Track URLs loaded instead of using appView history
// Create callback server and plugin manager
if (me.callbackServer == null) {
me.callbackServer = new CallbackServer();
else {
if (me.pluginManager == null) {
me.pluginManager = new PluginManager(me.appView, me);
else {
// If loadingDialog property, then show the App loading dialog for first page of app
String loading = null;
if (me.urls.size() == 1) {
loading = me.getStringProperty("loadingDialog", null);
else {
loading = me.getStringProperty("loadingPageDialog", null);
if (loading != null) {
String title = "";
String message = "Loading Application...";
if (loading.length() > 0) {
int comma = loading.indexOf(',');
if (comma > 0) {
title = loading.substring(0, comma);
message = loading.substring(comma+1);
else {
title = "";
message = loading;
me.spinnerStart(title, message);
// Create a timeout timer for loadUrl
final int currentLoadUrlTimeout = me.loadUrlTimeout;
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
synchronized(this) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// If timeout, then stop loading and handle error
if (me.loadUrlTimeout == currentLoadUrlTimeout) {
LOG.e(TAG, "DroidGap: TIMEOUT ERROR! - calling webViewClient");
//me.webViewClient.onReceivedError(me.appView, -6, "The connection to the server was unsuccessful.", url);
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
I comment the line : me.webViewClient.onReceivedError(me.appView, -6, "The connection to the server was unsuccessful.", url); because it will alert a dialog to terminate my program.
Android enforces a timeout when loading URLs in a webview.
check out this link, (it doesn't really pertain to JQM) , but phonegap android http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/pages/phonegap.html