I have this code which sanitises user input on a variable called 'username':
$username_clean = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $_POST['username'] );
if (!strlen($username_clean)){
die("username is blank!");
I want to carry out the same process on each input on this page but I have about 12 different inputs since it is a registering form. Is there an easier way to sanitise and check each input instead of applying preg_replace() and the if statement on each one?
If you want to sanitize all of the elements in $_POST
, then you could just create a sanitization function and apply it to all the elements with array_map
$post_clean = array_map("sanitization_function", $_POST);
Then you'd access your variables via $post_clean
instead of $_POST
It'd look something like:
function sanitize($dirty){
return preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $dirty );
$cPOST = array_map("sanitize", $_POST);
if (!strlen($cPOST['username'])){
die("username is blank!");
If you only wanted to sanitize a subset of the $_POST
elements, you could do something like:
$cPOST = array();
$sanitize_keys = array('username','someotherkeytosanitize');
foreach($_POST as $k=>$v)
if(in_array($k, $sanitize_keys))
$cPOST[$k] = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $v);
$cPOST[$k] = $v;
Try this:
$cPOST = array();
$sanitize_keys = array('username','someotherkeytosanitize');
for($_POST as $k=>$v)
if(in_array($k, $sanitize_keys))
$cPOST[$k] = preg_replace( "/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $v);
if(strlen($cPOST[$k]) == 0){
die("%s is blank", $k);
$cPOST[$k] = $v;
# At this point, the variables in $cPOST are the same as $_POST, unless you
# specified they be sanitized (by including them in the $sanitize_keys array.
# Also, if you get here, you know that the entries $cPOST that correspond
# to the keys in $sanitize_keys were not blank after sanitization.
Just make sure to change $sanitize_keys to an array of whatever variables (or $_POST keys) you want to sanitize.