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EMR (Electronic Medical Record) standard record format?

A few associates and myself are starting an EMR project (Electronic Medical Records). I have heard talk in the past - and more so lately - about a standard record format - to facilitate the transferring of records when appropriate (HIPAA) from one facility to another. Has anyone seen any information on this?


  • You can look to HL7 for interoperability between systems ( Patient demographic information and textual notes can be passed. I've been out of the EMR space too long to know if any standards groups have done anything interesting of late. A standard format that maintains semantic meaning is a really, really difficult problem. See SnoMed ( for one long-running ontology effort -- barely the start of a rich interchange format.

    A word of warning from someone who spent several years with an upstart EMR vendor...This is a very hard business to be in. Sales cycles for large health systems literally can take years, and the amount of hand-holding required for smaller medical practices can quickly erode margins. Integration with existing practice management systems is non-standard, even if those vendors claim otherwise. More and more issues abound. I'm not sure that it's a wise space for an unfunded start-up to enter.