Is it possible to specify a database index hint on a play framework Entity query.
My code looks like:
public static List<Transaction> findOnInactive(Date date) {
return Transaction.find(
"date = ? and account in ( select d.acctNb from account d "
+ " where = ? and (d.inactive = true or d.blocked = true)"
+ " group by d.acctNb )", date, date).fetch();
Running the generated query takes 20 sec. However running the same query manually with
select * from transaction with (INDEX(_dta_index_k1_1)) ...
only take 1 sec. Anyway I could specify the index hint in my JPA query?
You need to use native SQL query, something like this:
return JPA.em().createNativeQuery(
"select * from transaction with (INDEX(_dta_index_k1_1)) ...",