I created one google app engine project. There I configured DWR(DirectWebRemoting). I have created one ajax functionality which will checks the username and password of the user. But it does give me any output rather it gives Error:
dwr is not defined
Source File: http://localhost:8081/dwr.jsp
Line: 16
Where as it works fine in Tomcat web application.
So My question is that does Google app engine not support DWR configuration?
DWR is compatible with GAE according to "Will it play in Java" (broken link. possibly: a list of GAE-compatible java libraries) page.
Several links to threads with proof of success and potential limitations:
Most useful post in "DWR 3 RC1" thread is this one (about potential problems).
Do you require reverse ajax? (Current implementation uses a thread to clean up expired sessions. Current implementation uses javax.swing.event.EventListenerList which is blacklisted by GAE/J.)
Do you require file upload? (Can potentially write to disk)
If you don't need anything from the above, then you could replace problematic classes with dummy implementation.