For instance I have this piece of data:
1 => 'Metallica',
2 => 'Megadeth',
3 => 'Anthrax',
4 => 'Slayer',
5 => 'Black Sabbath',
And I have this piece of text:
My first favorite band is: #band{2}, and after that it's: #band1. My over-all first metal band was: #band{5}, and I sometimes enjoy headbaning while listening to: #band3 or #band{4}.
So after the RegEx, it should look like this:
My first favorite band is: Megadeth, and after that it's: Metallica. My over-all first metal band was: Black Sabbath, and I sometimes enjoy headbaning while listening to: Anthrax or Slayer.
So, I need a pattern/example how can I extract numbers from these two patterns:
#band{NUMERIC-ID} or #bandNUMERIC-ID
No need for regular expressions, just use str_replace()
$map = array();
foreach ($bands as $k => $v){
$map["#band".$k] = $v;
$map["#band{".$k."}"] = $v;
$out = str_replace(array_keys($map), $map, $text);
A demo:
If you want to use regular expressions:
$out = preg_replace_callback('!\#band((\d+)|(\{(\d+)\}))?!', 'replace_band', $text);
function replace_band($m){
$band = $GLOBALS['bands'][$m[2].$m[4]];
return $band ? $band : 'UNKNOWN BAND';
A demo:
[edit] updated for multiple forms of the token to replace