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How do you use newgrp in a script then stay in that group when the script exits

I am running a script on a solaris Box. specifically SunOS 5.7. I am not root. I am trying to execute a script similar to the following:

newgrp thegroup << FOO
source .login_stuff
echo "hello world"

The Script runs. The problem is it returns back to the calling process which puts me in the old group with the source .login_stuff not being sourced. I understand this behavior. What I am looking for is a way to stay in the sub shell. Now I know I could put an xterm& (see below) in the script and that would do it, but having a new xterm is undesirable.

Passing your current pid as a parameter.

newgrp thegroup << FOO
source .login_stuff
echo $1
kill -9 $1

I do not have sg available. Also, newgrp is necessary.


  • newgrp adm << ANYNAME
    # You can do more lines than just this.
    echo This is running as group \$(id -gn)

    ..will output:

    This is running as group adm

    Be careful -- Make sure you escape the '$' with a slash. The interactions are a little strange, because it expands even single-quotes before it executes the shell as the other group. so, if your primary group is 'users', and the group you're trying to use is 'adm', then:

    newgrp adm << END
    # You can do more lines than just this.
    echo 'This is running as group $(id -gn)'

    ..will output:

    This is running as group users

    ..because 'id -gn' was run by the current shell, then sent to the one running as adm. Anyways, I know this post is ancient, but hope this is useful to someone.