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Scheduled Batchable process in salesforce

I am trying my hands on implementing a batch process. I need some help/guidance on how to test this. All I am doing here is to display the opportunity name in the debug logs. But when I run the class scheduledBatchable which also has the test class in it in Apex test execution. The debug statements on the Opp_BatchProcess are not getting displayed. What is that I am doing wrong?

Here is the code i have

global class Opp_BatchProcess implements Database.Batchable < sObject >
    globalDatabase.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContextBC)
        returnDatabase.getQueryLocator('select name,id from opportunity');

    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List <sObject> batch)
        for (Sobject s : batch)
            opportunity o = (opportunity)s;
            system.debug('Opp name is' +;

    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {}

I also have a schedulable class

global class scheduledBatchable implements Schedulable
    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
        Opp_BatchProcess b = new Opp_BatchProcess();
        ID myBatchJobID = database.executebatch(b);

    public static testMethod void testscheduleMerge()
        scheduledBatchable s8 = new scheduledBatchable();
        string sch = '0 0 * * 1-12 ? *';
        system.schedule('Process Trans 1', sch, s8);


  • It looks like your testmethod only tests the Schedulable class. You need to test the Batchable class as well.

    Try this:

    global class scheduledBatchable implements Schedulable
        global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
            Opp_BatchProcess b = new Opp_BatchProcess();
            ID myBatchJobID = database.executebatch(b);
        public static testMethod void testscheduleMerge()
            scheduledBatchable s8 = new scheduledBatchable();
            string sch = '0 0 * * 1-12 ? *';
            system.schedule('Process Trans 1', sch, s8);
        public static testMethod void testBatchMerge()
            Opp_BatchProcess b = new Opp_BatchProcess();
            ID myBatchJobID = database.executebatch(b);