In the past I answered a question about "who was wrong" in regards to SVG images not being "cropped" (overflow: hidden
) in IE9, where all other supporting browsers did so. The answer is here.
Today, while reviewing HTML5 Boilerplate again, I noticed that they claim they "[correct] overflow not being hidden in IE9" with this bit of code:
svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; }
I'm looking for someone to confirm or deny my original research by pointing to some other note in either the HTML5 or SVG specs. I cannot find anything, but I want to be sure I am not missing something.
The best I can find is that they are trying to apply rule 7 here, but that should only apply to an SVG Document, like via an img
tag or when loaded directly.
The SVG specification has this to say:
Seems similar to what Firefox and Chrome do no?