What happened to kernel.Scan in Ninject 3.0?
kernel.Scan(scanner =>
Get a build error. 'Ninject.IKernel' does not contain a definition for 'Scan' and no extension method 'Scan' accepting a first argument of type 'Ninject.IKernel'
Been banging my head for hours trying to figure out what to change it to. Have not seen any good site or posts explaining how to fix this simply.
This all was working perfectly fine, some piece of ninject got upgraded. After hours of figuring out why nothing was working. I did not reinstall it(knowingly), not sure what happened, but now I've reinstalled everything to 3.0, figured it woulf be better, now I'm stuck with a lack of any help.
Will be checking out this later. Think this is what i was looking for.
See out my other ninject3 question on auto discovery