I have two NSMutableArrays(arrayContainsGoodClicks and arrayContainsBadClicks). I am initializing these Arrays with some NSTimeInterval values when the relevant Good and Bad buttons are clciked. Now my requirement is, i am getting responses from a webservice call with some TimeIntervals. Now, i want compare the NSTimeInterval values that i am getting from the Webservice responses with the values that i have stored in the two arrays. Please find below the code.
question answer="t" qno="1" tin="71" title="Greet" tout="73"
question answer="t" qno="2" tin="74" title="Have Name Tag" tout="77
question answer="t" qno="3" tin="78" title="Greet" tout="83"
I am getting the response in the above mentioned format. I am parsing my file and storing the relevant details of NSTimeInterval Values. Now i want to compare the timeIntervals between 71 and 73 seconds(74 and 77,78 and 83 respectively). I have my arrays which contains all the timeInterval values at which the user has clicked the Good and Bad buttons.
//NSLog(@"The current playback time in good:%g",moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime);
currentPlaybackTime = moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime;
NSNumber *goodTimeIntervals = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:currentPlaybackTime];
[arrayContainsGoodClicks addObject:goodTimeIntervals];
NSLog(@"The total count of Array is: %i",[arrayContainsGoodClicks count]);
NSLog(@"The Array contains : %@",arrayContainsGoodClicks);}
NSLog(@"The current playback time in bad: %g",moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime);
currentPlaybackTime = moviePlayerController.currentPlaybackTime;
NSNumber *goodTimeIntervals = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:currentPlaybackTime];
[arrayContainsBadClicks addObject:goodTimeIntervals];
NSLog(@"The total count of Array is: %i",[arrayContainsBadClicks count]);
NSLog(@"The Array contains Bad Clicks are: %@",arrayContainsBadClicks);}
My arrays contains the following sample details...
The Array containing Good Clicks are : (
The Array containing Bad Clicks are: (
Can someone please help me on how to compare the NSTimeIntervals in my arrays and the received responses?
Seems quite trivial if you have the data in the correct format. NSTimeInterval is a typedef double
so you can do comparisons using basic operators
for(NSNumber* click in arrayContainsGoodClicks) {
NSTimeInterval clickTimeInterval = [click doubleValue];
if(clickTimeInterval > 71.0 && clickTimeInterval < 73.0 ) {