table name = call
Table structure:
user_id | call_time | call_type|
Let's populate it for understanding
user_id | call_time | call_type|
0 2012-04-05 07:40:58 GMT+05:00 Mised
0 2012-04-06 08:58:45 GMT+05:00 Out
0 2012-04-08 09:40:58 GMT+05:00 Incom
What I want to do
I need Mysql or equivalent Zend Framework query
sum of of call_type.that is I need to know how many there are Out or Missed or Income in each day.
how many call_time exists in each day.that is lets say I have 2012-04-05 so how many time its in database.
I need multi-dimensional array like
i = start from first day of the month and go up to last day of current month,
i(2012-04-01) for understanding
[ i (2012-04-01)]=>Array
[Mised ] = 67(sum of all Missed call in this date)
[Out ] = 10(sum of all out call in this date)
[Incom ] = 10(sum of all Incom call in this date)
[total_call] =87 (Sum Of All)
[ i (2012-04-02) ]=>Array
[Mised ] = 17(sum of all Missed call in this date)
[Out ] = 2(sum of all out call in this date)
[Incom ] = 4(sum of all Incom call in this date)
[total_call] =23 (Sum Of All)
[2012-04-30(last day current month)]=>Array
[Mised ] = 77(sum of all Missed call in this date)
[Out ] = 72(sum of all out call in this date)
[Incom ] = 24(sum of all Incom call in this date)
[total_call] =173 (Sum Of All)
lets say i get total record mean dates that is(2012-04-13 , 2012-04-17 , 2012-04-23 ,2012-04-27 , 2012-04-29) so my array will start from 2012-04-01 as this is not found in my result so for that my array will be
[Mised ] = 0
[Out ] = 0
[Incom ] = 0
[total_call] = 0
and for (2012-04-13) array will be
[Mised ] = 10
[Out ] = 55
[Incom ] = 9
[total_call] = 74
what i have tried =
public function Get_Calllogs_For_Graph($user_id, $phone_service_id){
$curdate = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d'));
$current_month = date("m");
$start_date = date("Y-$current_month-01");
$start_date = $curdate->format("Y-$current_month-d H:i:s");
$curdate = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d'));
$curr_date = $curdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$DB = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $DB->select()
->from('call', array('*', 'CAST(call_time AS DATE) AS call_time '))
->where('phone_service_id = ?', $phone_service_id)
->where('user_id = ?', $user_id)
->where(" call_time >= ?", $start_date)
->where(" call_time<= ?", $curr_date);
$select = $DB->fetchAssoc($select);
$records = array('Outgoing' => array(), 'Incoming' => array(), 'Missed' => array() );
foreach($select as $sel){
if(!array_key_exists($sel['call_name'], $records[$sel['call_type']])){
$records[$sel['call_type']][$sel['call_name']] = $this->Get_Calllogs_By_Callname($user_id, $phone_service_id, $start_date, $curr_date, $sel['call_name'], $sel['call_type']);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
public function Get_Calllogs_By_Callname($user_id, $phone_service_id, $start_date, $curr_date, $call_name, $call_direction){
$DB = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $DB->select()
->from('call_log', array('COUNT(*) AS total', 'CAST(call_name AS DATE) AS call_name'))
->where('phone_service_id = ?', $phone_service_id)
->where('user_id = ?', $user_id)
->where('call_type= ?', $call_type)
->having('call_name = ? ', $call_name);
//->where("call_type>= ?", $start_date)
//->where("call_type<= ?", $curr_date);
$select = $select->query()->fetchAll();
return $select[0]['total'];
return 0;
select call_time, call_type, count(*) as num_by_type from db
group by YEAR(call_time), MONTH(call_time), DAY(call_time), call_type.
so you have the sum for each call_type per day (means max 3 entries per day).
Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to make an array per day, total sum being the sum of the sums of the three types (num_by_type).