I'm trying to show only the date part in my jqgrid column
The columns is defined like
{name:'Ingreso',formatter:"date",formatoptions:{srcformat:"d/m/Y H:i A",newformat:"ShortDate"}
The datatype is local
The locale is 'es' and the jqgrid version is 4.3.1
The date is showed 08/04/2012 08:42 p.m. (day 8, month 4) and i like to show 08/04/2012
I'm using this link as reference: http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:predefined_formatter
Sorry, but I can't reproduce your problem. See the demo. Additionally I'll recommend you to use ISO 8601 format of the date in the input data.