I am reading in a value from a PLC via a third party library, however when saved as a double the value appears to be in scientific notation.
The value in the PLC is 1.234
however, when debugging the application, the value being stored in the double is 5.27326315571927E-315
I am displaying this in a label, however I want to display it as 1.234
rather an as scientific notation.
How can I convert this?
As a wild guess, I think you should read 4 bytes(float) from your library not double(8 bytes).
Since 5.27326315571927E-315
is almost zero.
double d = 5.27326315571927E-315;
byte[] b = BitConverter.GetBytes(d);
float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(new byte[] { b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] }, 0);
f is 1.2345