The extension methods:
works fine when calling it from the constractor like:
public class TweetModule : NancyModule
public TweetModule()
: base("/")
Post["/{action}.json/"] = parameters =>
return Reponse.Asjson(new {output:parameters.action}); // OK
But when I call it from a function like this:
public class TweetModule : NancyModule
public TweetModule()
: base("/")
Post["/{action}.{format}/"] = parameters =>
return GetResponse( parameters.action,parameters.format); // Error
public Response GetResponse(string action,string format)
if (format == "json")
return Response.AsJson(new {output:action}); // error
return Response.AsXml(new {output:action}); // error
I get this exception:
<>f__AnonymousType0`1[System.String] cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor.
any advice?
Na that works just fine. The problem is that your captured parameter is called {fortmat} and you then pass along parameters.format which is never captured due to the typo
And I have to point out that your code won't even compile since function is not a valid keyword in C#, I just assumed that you actual meant it to say public instead.
Hope this helps