I have started using mustache.js and so far I am very impressed. Although two things puzzle me. The first leads on to the second so bear with me.
{"goalsCollection": [
"Id": "d5dce10e-513c-449d-8e34-8fe771fa464a",
"Description": "Multum",
"TargetAmount": 2935.9,
"TargetDate": "/Date(1558998000000)/"
"Id": "eac65501-21f5-f831-fb07-dcfead50d1d9",
"Description": "quad nomen",
"TargetAmount": 6976.12,
"TargetDate": "/Date(1606953600000)/"
My handling function
function renderInvestmentGoals(collection) {
var tpl = '{{#goalsCollection}}<tr><td>{{Description}}</td><td>{{TargetAmount}}</td><td>{{TargetDate}}</td></tr>{{/goalsCollection}}';
$('#tblGoals tbody').html('').html(Mustache.to_html(tpl, collection));
Q1 As you can see my 'TargetDate' needs parsing but I am unsure of how to do that within my current function.
Q2 Say I wanted to perform some function or formatting on one or more of my objects before rendering, what is the best way of doing it?
I've been using Mustache for my projects as well, due to its ability to be shared across client/server. What I ended up doing was formatting all values (dates, currency) to strings server-side, so I don't have to rely on helper Javascript functions. This may not work well for you though, if you're doing logic against these values client-side.
You might also want to look into using handlebars.js, which is essentially Mustache, but with extensions that may help with client-side formatting (and more). The loss here is that you will probably not be able to find a server-side implementation of handlebars, if that matters to you.