I am trying to use the Simple XML library with Android and getting some errors with it (http://pastebin.com/7Nrk1esD), where the main error is this:
"org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader..."
The Model which has to be deserialized is also used by a rest-server to produce the necessary XML, there are also some JPA-annotations like the following:
@ElementList(required = false)
private List<Substance> substances = new ArrayList<>();
this line produces the following xml output:
<substances class="org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList">
Here I see now where the error is coming from - Android is not aware of org.eclipse.persistence! But my question is now: Why is the line class="...IndirectList" produced and how can I change that to avoid the errors in the Android application?
PS: I am using simple 2.6.2
thanks in advance!
Found the Answer here:
Strategy strategy = new TreeStrategy("clazz", "len");
Serializer serializer = new Persister(strategy);
But I use this snippet only in the Android-client to deserialize and NOT to serialize the model in the server.