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BizTalk BAM - How do I track split messages

I want the BAM view to show

  • IntegrationStart
  • MessageType
  • ServiceName
  • ServiceStart
  • ServiceEnd
  • IntegrationDuration

The messages comes from one receive port and are passed to an orchestration, one message per orchestration, that sends them to a WCF service.

I know how to solve this scenario if I have one incoming message that goes all the way (different InterchangeID), but I have a batch that the receive pipeline split to individual messages (with the same InterchangeID).

I cannot use a unique value in the message, since there can be more than one in the batch.

I guess I need to use Relationship, but how?

What ID can I relate?


  • I did use a relation ship, with the interchangeID, and now everything works fine.

    I also created a view so I did not have to change my already created reporting services reports.

    When I did not had the relation ship I could get "Violation of primary key",because Bam engine tried to put in records with the same key (after split in receive pipeline all messages have the same interchangeID).