I'm trying to test a presenter method using a Capybara RSpec matcher.
Lets say I have a method that renders a button. This would be the test I would write if I wasn't using capybara rspec matchers:
it "should generate a button" do
subject.render_controls.should be == "THE_HTML"
Using capybara rspec matchers, I want to do this:
it "should render a vote button" do
subject.render_controls.should have_button('Vote')
This approach was proposed in this article http://devblog.avdi.org/2011/09/06/making-a-mockery-of-tdd/. In the article, the author explains it like this: "I decided to change up my spec setup a bit in order to pass in a template object which included the actual Rails tag helpers. Then I included the Capybara spec matchers for making assertions about HTML."
However, I don't understand this. How can you use capybara rspec matchers when render_controls only returns a content_tag?
Check out Capybara.string
method: http://rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/master/Capybara#string-class_method
With this method you should be able to write something like that:
subject { Capybara.string(presenter.render_controls }
it { should have_button('Vote') }