I'm trying to populate a combo box from a dataset, then bind it to a different data row. The datarow contains a single customer records. The dataset contains 1 table with title_id (an int) and title (the text description).
I set the value and display members, and the datasource of the combo box:
cbxTitle.ValueMember = "title_id";
cbxTitle.DisplayMember = "title";
cbxTitle.DataSource = dsTitles.Tables[0];
Next I set the data binding to the data row with the customers details:
cbxTitle.DataBindings.Add("Text", drCustomer.Table, "title_id");
When I run it, the combo box displays the number 2 (the value of title_id in the data row).
If I click it, it contains Mr, Mrs, Miss etc as i'd expect (Mr = 2)
What I can't figure out is how to get it to display 'Mr' instead of 2?!
How about:
cbxTitle.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", drCustomer.Table, "title_id");
Please refer to these links too:
Entity Framework 4 Databinding on WinForms ComboBoxes with Foreign Keys
Why does the ComboBox.SelectedValue DataBinding context gets cleared when BindingList changes?