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Vertex representation of a weighted unidirectional graph

I am using adjacency matrix to represent all the vertex of my weighted unidirectional large graph. In this graph no edge connects a vertex to itself. This makes all the diagonal elements of my adjacency matrix null. As my graph is large so in adjacency matrix i need not to save any elements in left triangle. Below is a small sample graph with adjacency matrix. This is the sample small graph with adjacency matrix

In an unidirectional graph left triangle is just mirror image of right triangle. i.e. adjacency_matrix[i][j], adjacency_matrix[j][i] are same. so why to store the left triangle. for a large graph this trick can save so much memory. At the same time diagonal elements are also zero since no edge connects a vertex to itself. i.e. adjacency_matrix[i][i] are zero. But how can i implement this? can 2D array be used here?


  • Java doesn't really have 2D arrays, although there is syntatic sugar for allocating an array of arrays.

    You probably just want:

    int[][] weight = new int[N][];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) weight[i] = new int[N-1-i];

    That will allocate the triangle you want. Then just index row r, col c at weight[r][c-r-1].

    The other option is just to use a single array with

    int[] weight = new int[N*(N-1)/2];

    The indexing can be a bit more complicated to compute, but less allocation and pointer overhead.