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Calculating weighted mean and standard deviation

I have a time series x_0 ... x_t. I would like to compute the exponentially weighted variance of the data. That is:

V = SUM{w_i*(x_i - x_bar)^2, i=1 to T} where SUM{w_i} = 1 and x_bar=SUM{w_i*x_i}


The goal is to basically weight observations that are further back in time less. This is very simple to implement but I would like to use as much built in funcitonality as possible. Does anyone know what this corresponds to in R?



  • R provides weighted mean. In fact, ?weighted.mean shows this example:

     ## GPA from Siegel 1994
     wt <- c(5,  5,  4,  1)/15
     x <- c(3.7,3.3,3.5,2.8)
     xm <- weighted.mean(x, wt)

    One more step:

    v <- sum(wt * (x - xm)^2)