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.gitignore style fnmatch()

What would be the simplest way to have .gitignore style fnmatch() with Python. Looks like that stdlib does not provide a match() function which would match a path spec against an UNIX style path regex.

.gitignore have both paths and files with wildcards to be (black)listed


  • If you want to use mixed UNIX wildcard patterns as listed in your .gitignore example, why not just take each pattern and use fnmatch.translate with

    import fnmatch
    import re
    s = '/path/eggs/foo/bar'
    pattern = "eggs/*", s)
    # <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x10049e988>

    translate turns the wildcard pattern into a re pattern

    Hidden UNIX files:

    s = '/path/to/hidden/.file'
    isHiddenFile ='.*'), s)
    if not isHiddenFile:
        # do something with it