I've defined my tables so:
create table device (
id serial primary key,
manufacturerid integer references manufacturer(id) on delete restrict,
model text,
price real,
usagepros text,
usagecons text
create table robot (
numaxes integer,
capacity real,
reach real,
accuracy real,
installmethodid integer references installmethod(id) on delete restrict,
mass real
) inherits (device);
create table robotComplex(
id serial primary key,
name text
create table robotComplexDevice(
id serial primary key,
deviceId integer references device(id) on delete restrict,
robotcomplexid integer references robotcomplex(id) on delete cascade
I get the following when running sql commands:
id | manufacturerid | model | price | usagepros | usagecons | numaxes | capacity | reach | accuracy | installmethodid | mass
159 | 117 | Robot | 100.3 | OK | NoOK | 6 | 15.3 | 15.4 | 76.1234 | 45 | 100.1
> select * from device;
id | manufacturerid | model | price | usagepros | usagecons
159 | 117 | Robot | 100.3 | OK | NoOK
> select * from robotcomplex;
id | name
27 | Complex
> insert into robotcomplexdevice (deviceid, robotcomplexid) values (159, 27);
ERROR: insert or update on table "robotcomplexdevice" violates foreign key constraint "robotcomplexdevice_deviceid_fkey"
DETAIL: Key (deviceid)=(159) is not present in table "device".
For some reason, even though I've defined the "robot" table to inherit "deivice" table, I can't reference it. Maybe I don't get object-relational database model correctly. But if you can't reference the tables so then what is the point of object-relational model?
This is documented behaviour: