I'm having problems wrapping text within my container. I've already searched and all answers were to put in word-wrap: break-word;
but it doesn't work for me. I'm must be doing something wrong but I'm having trouble finding what.
Here is the website so you may search through the source code: http://www.simplistico.net/
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Also, the container background is in red so you may see it clearly.
Why not just set a width on your p tag?
p {
Maybe I should have been more clear. If you have the p tag inside of container already, you don't necessarily need to do it as above. You could do something like.
#container p {
This way only the p tags inside that specified container are affected.
By default a p tag will stretch 100% of its container.Also keep in mind that word-break and Word Wrap are CSS3 properties and only work on certain browsers by default. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_word-break.asp
Also word break will only break at the boundaries of a container. And because you have a p tag with a default width of 100% inside of another container exceeding your "red background" container. It will break at the boundaries of that container. So technically it is working.