I am using XML::Writer and I have this code:
foreach $param (@{$fce->{"params"}}){
print $param . ",";
$writer->emptyTag( 'param', number => $i, type => $param );
This is output of XML::Writer:
<param number="1" type="const enum eDebugLevels" />
<param number="2" type="const char 		* const" />
But output of that print is:
const enum eDebugLevels,const char * const,
Why are there the 	
? I really don't want them (and I need spaces to stay as they are). Thank you
is a tab, so for any XML parser "const char 		* const"
will be parsed as "const char \t\t* const"
. If you have a problem with tabs, then you need to pre-process your output, it's not XML::Writer's job to do this.