I've developed a simple .net form application where I've embedded the RdpClient ActiveX. To reproduce the application, you have to:
Now you can drop this Control on the form. Handle the form Shown event with this code
axMsRdpClient6.FullScreen = true;
axMsRdpClient6.Server = "yourserver";
Then when the rdpclient window appear, click the minimize button on the top bar.
My question is: why the event AxMSTSCLib.AxMsRdpClient7.OnRequestContainerMinimize is not fired when minimize button is clicked?
I need to handle when the user minimize the client to take peculiar actions (write log files, activate other windows application and so on).
I've found the answer in MSDN
This method will only be called if the container-handled full-screen mode is enabled - see IMsTscAdvancedSettings::put_ContainerHandledFullScreen for more information.