I made up a template to show all the fields and values from a model, it looks like this:
## detail_template.html ##
{% for name, value in object.get_fields %}
<label>{% trans name %}:</label>
<span>{{ value|default:"Not available" }}</span>
{% endfor %}
In the class you can see the get_fields function declared:
## models.py ##
Class Object:
...many fields...
def get_fields(self):
return [(field.verbose_name, field._get_val_from_obj(self)) for field in self.__class__._meta.fields]
The problem is, when I have, for example, a CharField with choices, like:
## models.py ##
('M', 'Male'),
('F', 'Female'),
...all other fields ...
sex = models.CharField(verbose_name=u"Sex", max_length=1, choices=GENDER_CHOICES)
It displays M or F, what I want to do is load the get_NAMEFIELD_display of all fields without doing manually all fields:
<label>{% trans 'Sex' %}:</label>
<span>{{ object.get_sex_display|default:"Not available" }}</span>
I have a clue: Django Contrib Admin does that when listing objects, so I'm sure there is a generic way of doing that and I also appreciate any help.
I think you should add another method:
def get_field_value(self, field):
return self._get_FIELD_display(field)
except something:
return field._get_val_from_obj(self)
And use it in your generator.