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Where is the full size image in GData.Photos query?

I am querying a Picasa gallery and when I dig into the entries that are returned, I can't find the full size image. I can only see a much smaller, re-sized image (data[0].Content.AbsoluteUri). I know Google retains the full size image because I can see it when I view my Picasa gallery online. Where is the full size image?

var picasaService = new PicasaService("Gallery");

var photoQuery = new PhotoQuery(PicasaQuery.CreatePicasaUri("GOOGLEUSERNAME", "GALLERYID"));
var photoFeed = picasaService.Query(photoQuery);

var data = photoFeed.Entries;


  • short answer:

    media:group/media:content[@url] path in a query to get the gdata photo ENTRY from the picasa GData service contains the link you want.

    Longer answer:

    1. interactively query the Gdata api for picasa using oauth playground\
    2. and select picasa from the list and get
    3. authorize button ... then allow access button and you can query the api using the form
    4. make a query for the ENTRY URI of desired photo (your ...user/.. /albumid .. /photoid )
    5. inspect the content of media:group/media:content[@url] sample below
    6. The URI to the big photo is valueOf the url attribute in the above expression
    7. sample value for one of my picasa photos
    8. url=

    Using the oauth 2.0 playground for a query to get the entry of one of my photos...

    GET /data/entry/api/user/rowntreerob/albumid/5682316071017984417/photoid/5682316083381958690?alt=json

    Note: filter response using


    The link to the large photo that you want is in the url attribute above...

    Using the "fields=" tag, you can directly get the link as in below req/ resp from gdata...

    GET /data/entry/api/user/rowntreerob/albumid/5682316071017984417/photoid/5682316083381958690?alt=json&fields=media%3Agroup%2Fmedia%3Acontent%5B%40url%5D