I would like to concatenate two text fields from the current row with the same field from the next row
So if the table is like
field1 field2 field3
text1 text3 order1
text2 text4 order1
i would like to do this:
if (field3.current_row = field3.next_row)
SELECT field1 + getNextRow(field1) as "Concatenated Field" FROM table
Is this possible?
you can do something similar to this:
create table #temp
field1 varchar(50),
field2 varchar(50)
insert into #temp values ('text1', 'text3')
insert into #temp values ('text2', 'text4')
;with cte as
select *, row_number()over(order by field1) as rownum
from #temp
select c1.field1 + ' ' + (SELECT field1 FROM cte c2 WHERE c2.rownum = c1.rownum + 1) as ConcField
from cte c1
) c
where c.concfield is not null
drop table #temp