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JSF 2 Mojarra and Primefaces in WebSphere 7+

I have been struggling with the unholy alliance that is WebSphere 7+ and Mojarra 2.0.4 and have run into something of a showstopper.

I followed the directions as specified at this forum post and got Mojarra 2.0.4 initializing properly:

Basically I created an isolated classloader shared library that refers externally to the Mojarra and Primefaces jars, added the shared library to the webapp and reversed the classloader to go PARENT_LAST. All of that works.

When I attempt to access my web app http://server:port/context/index.xhtml it is hitting the FacesServlet correctly but then instantly the Request Dispatcher is redirecting to index.jsp???

I don't have any JSP specified ANYWHERE in my code, my app, my web.xml, and in fact I specified DEFAULT-SUFFIX to be .xhtml and that didn't help. All my web pages are .xhtml extension and FacesServlet is mapped correctly to *.xhtml.

I have tried adding XHTML as a mime type to WebSphere, disabling the Request Dispatcher, all to no avail. I have been able to get this running correctly on Tomcat 6-7, JBoss 6 and Glassfish 3 with no problems but for some reason WebSphere insists on a JSP file extension?

I appreciate any help you might have.


  • WAS7 sometimes does not undeploy the web applications properly. Clearing WAS_PROFILE_HOME/temp and WAS_PROFILE_HOME/wstemp may help.