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Reading state of input pins on a PIC18

I have been able to get outputs working on my PIC and can make a bunch of LEDs dance on and off as I set various output latches high/low. However, I'm having a lot o difficulty reading in the state of a pin.

See the code below. I set up my config, and define the TRISC as input and TRISB as output. In an infinite loop, I check to see whether RC6 is high or low, and set the entire B latch high or low depending on the result.

#include <htc.h>

__CONFIG(5, 0xFFFF);
__CONFIG(6, 0xFFFF);
__CONFIG(7, 0xFFFF);

void main(void)
  TRISC = 0xFF; // input
  TRISB = 0x00; // output

  while (1)
    if (PORTCbits.RC6 == 0)
      LATB = 0b00000000;
      LATB = 0b11111111;


The code compiles fine with no warnings or errors. If my code logic is simply setting latches high and low then that works fine, but I haven't been able to successfully read the state of a pin.

Any ideas?

I'm using a PIC18F14K50 and MPLAB v8.43 and the HiTech ANSI C Compiler.

My connections are +5V to the VDD (pin 1), VSS (pin 20) to ground. I have +5V to C6 (pin 8), and a 100K resistor and LED from B7 (pin 10) to ground. To toggle RC6, I connect/disconncet the wire to C6.

+5v -│ 01  20 │- gnd
    -│ 02  19 │-
    -│ 03  18 │-
    -│ 04  17 │-
    -│ 05  16 │-
    -│ 06  15 │-
    -│ 07  14 │-
+5v -│ 08  13 │-
    -│ 09  12 │-
led -│ 10  11 │-


  • The ADC pins on the PICs unfortunately are configured as analog inputs on powerup. You need to disable the ADC functionality on that pin to use it as a digital input.

    Clearing bit 0 of ANSELH will set RC6 to digital input. Then your code will work.

    This is documented in the datasheet in section 9.4 : Port Analog Control

    PIC18F/LF1XK50 Datasheet