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Issue with the lifecyle of Hibernate3 Maven plugin

I want to use the Hibernate3 maven plugin in one of my projects. But, because m2e doesn't have a lifecycle configurator for it, I need to configure the lifecycle plugin to ignore the plugin execution. But, I also use the maven dependency plugin which is also not supported by m2e AFAIK.

So, the configuration of my lifecycle plugin is:

                        <ignore />
                        <ignore />

The problem is that when I use the Hibernate3 plugin in my project, I get the error "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:hibernate3-maven-plugin:3.0:hbm2ddl (execution: schema-generation, phase: process-classes)" at the line. Note that I don't get this error at the line where I use the maven dependency plugin.

Any idea?


EDIT: The hbm2ddl goal of the Hibernate3 plugin was bind to the process-classes phase. I've changed the phase to package (just to try) and I didn't get the error. Any explanation? To which phase the hbm2ddl goal should be bind?


  • You have to add a phase which means you have to enhance your configuration like the following:
