I have a datagrid that is editable. I was wondering if it's possible to retreive the cell value after user edits the single cell.
My datagrid will trigger griditemEditorSessionSave
event if users finish the editing, but I don't know how to get the new cell value.
protected function dg_gridItemEditorSessionSaveHandler(event:GridItemEditorEvent):void
//I can only get the columnIndex but not the value
Alert.show (event.columnIndex);
<s:DataGrid id="dg" editable="true" x="5" y="3" width="734" height="153"
Any thoughts? Thanks a lot.
Yes, this is possible..just recently i had this same problems.Im familiar thats theres not much As3 docs into this subject as such more or less on only innitializing the DataGrid and populating it, hence; Not grabbing the values its self.
On my Datagrid i found it was easier to save the whole dataGrid each time it was edited as i didnt find a way to do this for each individual cell.Just as a text file with comma's seperating the values
Using a loop function to go through each arrays length, Column / row, if you need complete source code for this project goto: