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C# equivalent of php mysql_real_escape_string function

I'm looking for the equivalent to the PHP function mysql_real_escape_string() to use in C#.NET. I work with the .NET 3.5 framework. I can't find anything to use.

I read something that the System.Web.HttpUtility would have something but I can't use that. It says that I do not have an reference to it.


  • I strongly suspect you won't find anything, for two reasons:

    • It's not the preferred way of avoiding SQL injection attacks. Using parameterized queries is.
    • It would be DB-specific anyway, hence why it's mysql_real_escape_string in PHP. Given that it's to do with SQL, I wouldn't expect System.Web.HttpUtility to be anything like what you want.

    So the question is whether you're actually trying to pass a value to a database, or escape a URL. If it's escaping a URL, then we need to know more about your application (e.g. .NET target profile) to help you further. If it's passing a value to a database, use parameterized SQL instead.