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Hidden field becomes null when binding it in stripes actionbean

I have a stripes action page. and When the page loads, I want to save an originalAssignee by assigning it from an object (i.e setOriginalAssignee (userAction.getAssignee())) so that in case if the object's field assignee is changed i will do some computing. Here is my action bean:

public class ActionListViewPage extends CustomAction {
private static final String ACTION_LIST_VIEW = "/action/view-details.jsp";
private static final String ACTION_HOME_PAGE="/action/";
private SecurityPerson originalAssignee;
private UserAction userAction;

    public UserAction getUserAction() {
        return userAction;

    public void setUserAction(UserAction userAction) {
        this.userAction = userAction;

    public SecurityPerson getOriginalAssignee() {
        return originalAssignee;

    public void setOriginalAssignee(SecurityPerson originalAssignee) {
        this.originalAssignee = originalAssignee;

    public Resolution showUserAction() {

            flash("error", "Can't find the the specified User action." );
           return new RedirectResolution(ACTION_HOME_PAGE);

        setOriginalAssignee(userAction.getAssignee());// This one works fine and assigns the the assignee to originalAssignee for future reference 
        return new ForwardResolution(ACTION_LIST_VIEW);
 public Resolution saveUserAction() {

        try {

                userAction.setAssignedTimestamp(new Date());

            if (userAction.getStatusEnum() == null) {

            flash("ok", "User Action change has been saved to the database. ");

        catch (Exception e) {

            flash("error", "Error saving UserAction./n " + e.getMessage());
        return new RedirectResolution(ACTION_HOME_PAGE);


part of the view-details.jsp page looks like this

<stripes:form beanclass="${actionBean.class}" name="actionListForm" id="actionListForm" method="POST"
                   **<stripes:hidden name="originalAssignee"/>**

                        <td align="left"> Assign to:</td>

                        <td align="right">
                            <stripes:select name="userAction.assignee" value="${actionBean.userAction.assignee}"
                                <stripes:option value=""> </stripes:option>
                                <stripes:options-collection collection="${actionBean.assigneeList}"
                        </br> </br>
                            <stripes:select name="userAction.statusEnum" onchange="$('actionListForm').submit();"
                                <stripes:option value=""> </stripes:option>
                                <stripes:options-enumeration enum=""/>


                    <stripes:hidden name="userAction"/>


As you can see from my code i used hidden variable to keep originalAssignee ... but when the saveUserAction method is called, it says the originalAssignee is null. I shouldn't figure out the reason. Is there a change i should make on the Forward or Redirect resolution?

FYI: userAction is a hibernate persistent object. Thank you.


  • This is what I have when i see the source

    <input type="hidden" value="" name="originalAssignee">

    However, when I add " value="${actionBean.originalAssignee}" " to the hidden var .. and it worked fine. I don't know why the original code is not working but, for now at least it solved the problem.

    FYI: If you can provide why the previous one is not working and your solution is better than mine, I will make your's the solution. So, feel free to add your answer.