I'm trying to create a preferences window.
In it I have some checkbox style NSButtons. The problem is that they aren't updating when I call the setState:
method. I access the standarUserDefaults
when then window is initialized to get the state they should be in and was planning to change them depending on what state that key is in.
I know that they are in fact connected to both their IBOutlet and IBAction as I've tried some NSLog-ing to make sure of that.
I read something about Changing the value of a model property programmatically is not reflected in the user interface here but I'm not sure if that's the problem or frankly what they are referring to there.
I declared the checkbuttons in the .h file like so:
IBOutlet NSButton *defaultDateCheck;
IBOutlet NSButton *closeOnCreationCheck;
IBOutlet NSButton *allowEmptyNumberCheck;
IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *defaultJobSetting;
The init method looks like this:
-(id)initWithWindowNibName:(NSString *)windowNibName{
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:windowNibName];
if (self) {
NSUserDefaults *myDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaultDateCheck setState:[myDefaults boolForKey:@"useDefaultDate"]];
[closeOnCreationCheck setState:[myDefaults boolForKey:@"closeOnCreation"]];
[allowEmptyNumberCheck setState:[myDefaults boolForKey:@"allowEmptyProjectNumber"]];
[defaultJobSetting selectItemAtIndex:[myDefaults integerForKey:@"defaultJob"]];
return self;
I also tried the following format for setting the checkboxes but with no result:
if ([myDefaults integerForKey:@"useDefaultDate"] == YES) {
[defaultDateCheck setState:NSOnState];
else {
[defaultDateCheck setState:NSOffState];
The connected IBAction methods for the checkboxes looks like this:
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:([closeOnCreationCheck state] == NSOnState) forKey:@"closeOnCreation"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
Set the state in -viewDidLoad method since in -init the view and it's subviews do not exist yet