Disclaimer: I would love to be using dependency injection on this project and have a loosely coupled interface-based design across the board, but use of dependency-injection has been shot down in this project. Also SOLID design principles (and design patterns in general) are something foreign where I work and I'm new to many of them myself. So take that into consideration when suggesting a better design to this problem.
Here is a simplified version of the code I'm working on, and as such it might seem contrived. If so I apologize. Consider the following classes:
// Foo is a class that wraps underlying functionality from another
// assembly to create a simplified API. Think of this as a service layer class,
// a facade-like wrapper. It contains a helper class that is specific to
// foo. Other AbstractFoo implementations have their own helpers.
public class Foo : AbstractFoo
private readonly DefaultHelper helper;
public override DefaultHelper Helper { get { return helper; } }
public Foo()
helper = new Helper("custom stuff");
public override void Operation1(string value)
Console.WriteLine("Operation1 using " + value);
public override void Operation2()
// Helper derives from a default implementation and allows us to
// override it's methods to do things specific for the class that
// holds this helper. Sometimes we use a custom helper, sometimes
// we use the default one.
public class Helper : DefaultHelper
private readonly string customStuff;
public Helper(string value)
customStuff = value;
public override void DoSomethingHelpful()
Console.WriteLine("I was helpful using " + customStuff);
Say these two class are used as follows:
// foo referenced and used in one part of code
var foo = new Foo();
foo.Operation2(); // or foo.Operation1();
// some other point in the program where we don't have a reference to foo
// but do have a reference to the helper
However I now find out that I also need to perform foo.Operation1
in some implementations of helper.DoSomethingHelpful();
? Potential workarounds I thought of would be:
delegate into the constructor of Helper.None of these approaches seem to be ideal (though I've pretty much determined I don't like option 1 and am worried about maintainability with option 3 if we find out later we need to pass in more delegates). This makes me wonder if there is a problem with the initial design of the Helper
combo. Thoughts?
"None of these approaches seem to be ideal (though I've pretty much determined I don't like option 1 and am worried about maintainability with option 3 if we find out later we need to pass in more delegates). This makes me wonder if there is a problem with the initial design of the Helper/Foo combo."
You're exactly right - there IS a problem with the design of Helper and Foo. The basic Foo/Helper relationship as you initially described it is fine, and is a common pattern when you have to wrap other objects that you do not control. But then you say:
"What if I find out that I also need to perform foo.Operation1 in some implementations of helper.DoSomethingHelpful();?"
This is where we have a problem. You started out describing a relationship where Foo is dependent on Helper; now you are describing a relationship where Helper is dependent on Foo. That immediately tells me that your dependency relationships are tangled up. Dependency relationships between objects should only go one way; in fact dependency injection relies on this.