Looks like a dumb question, but I tried the following (where "Me" is a MDIParent form):
Dim frmNotif As New frmNotifica
With frmNotif
.MdiParent = Me
.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
.Location = New Point(ClientSize.Width - .Width, ClientSize.Height - .Height)
End With
but it doesn't work.
Assuming you have an "empty" MDI Parent form (no Panels or ToolStrips docked), this should work:
Dim frmNotif As New frmNotifica
With frmNotif
.MdiParent = Me
.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
Dim leftStart As Integer = Me.ClientSize.Width - (.Width + (SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Width * 2))
Dim topStart As Integer = Me.ClientSize.Height - (.Height + (SystemInformation.Border3DSize.Height * 2))
.Location = New Point(leftStart, topStart)
End With
If you have a Panel or a ToolStrip added to the MDIParent, you would have to factor that in to your equation, too.