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My memory leak in C++ program

I'm faced a new problem something with memory allocation and leak here is my error log:

Dr. Memory version 1.4.6 build 2 built on Mar  7 2012 10:14:04
Application cmdline: ""D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug\Lab3-5_OOP.exe""
Recorded 62 suppression(s) from default C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory/bin/suppress-default.txt

Error #1: UNINITIALIZED READ: reading register eax
# 0 _fu89___ZSt4cout               [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../Controller.cpp:156]
# 1 main                           [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../M.cpp:25]
Note: @0:00:00.924 in thread 4584
Note: instruction: test   %eax %eax

Error #2: LEAK 12 direct bytes 0x00531420-0x0053142c + 1024 indirect bytes
# 0 libstdc++-6.dll!Znwj           
# 1 constr()               [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../ListStruc.cpp:24]
# 2 main                   [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../M.cpp:18]

Error #3: LEAK 12 direct bytes 0x009bec48-0x009bec54 + 1024 indirect bytes
# 0 libstdc++-6.dll!Znwj  +0x23     (0x6fcbb523 <libstdc++-6.dll+0x7b523>)
# 1 constr()               [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../ListStruc.cpp:24]
# 2 main                   [D:\c++\Begin\Lab3-5_OOP\Debug/../M.cpp:20]



      0 unique,     0 total unaddressable access(es)
      1 unique,     1 total uninitialized access(es)
      0 unique,     0 total invalid heap argument(s)
      0 unique,     0 total warning(s)
      2 unique,     2 total,   2072 byte(s) of leak(s)
      0 unique,     0 total,      0 byte(s) of possible leak(s)
     78 still-reachable allocation(s)
         (re-run with "-show_reachable" for details)
Details: C:\Users\Warzaru\AppData\Roaming/Dr. Memory/DrMemory-Lab3-5_OOP.exe.10024.000/results.txt


const int days=31;
const int exp=6;

struct Arr{
    int days;
    int exp;
    int **M;
typedef Arr* Array;


void constr(Array &loc){
    //Construct of 31*6 Matrix, were 31 nr. of days and 6 specific types:
    //0-HouseKeeping, 1-Food, 2-Transport, 3-Clothing, 4-TelNet, 5-others
    loc=new Arr;
    loc->days = days;
    loc->exp = exp;
    loc->M = new int*[loc->days];
    for(int i=0; i<loc->days;i++ ){
       loc->M[i] = new int[loc->exp];
       for (int j = 0; j < loc->exp; j++){
           loc->M[i][j] = 0;

The program errors me only for some function of ti for example function:

void maxDay(Array &M){
    //Output the day with highest value
    int hD = 0;
    int s1 = 0;
    int s2 = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i<30;i++){
        for (int j=0; i<5; j++){
            s1 = s1 + M->M[i][j];
            if(s2 <= s1){
                s2 = s1;
                hD = i;


So short, I have a structure Arr ( Matrix of 31*6) were I store ints (different types of expenses) but when I use some of my functions I get Segmentation fault. I have no experience with this kind of errors, so any advices are useful.


void destruc(Array &loc){
    for(int i=0; i<loc->days;i++ ){
       delete[] loc->M[i];
       for (int j = 0; j < loc->exp; j++){
           delete[] loc->M[i][j];


  • The destructor in seems to be strange

    void destruc(Array &loc){
        for(int i=0; i<loc->days;i++ ){
           delete[] loc->M[i]; <-------------- deleting array of pointers to array
           for (int j = 0; j < loc->exp; j++){
               delete[] loc->M[i][j]; <------- deleting pointer to array that
                                               is already deallocated

    Destructor should look the following way (in accordance to constructor):

    void destruc(Array &loc){
        for(int i=0; i<loc->days;i++ ){
           delete[] loc->M[i];
        delete[] M;