As far as I know a string in C# is a reference type.
So in the following code 'a' should be equal to "Hi", but it still keeps its value which is "Hello". Why?
string a = "Hello";
string b = a;
b = "Hi";
A number of the answers point out that strings are immutable; though that is true, it is completely irrelevant to your question.
What is more relevant is that you are misunderstanding how references work with respect to variables. A reference is not a reference to a variable. Think of a reference as a piece of string. You start with this:
Then you say that "b = a", which means attach another piece of string to the same thing that a
is attached to:
Then you say "now attach b to Hi"
You are thinking either that references work like this:
Then I say that b
is another name for a
a/b ----------------------Hello
Then I change b
, which changes a
, because they are two names for the same thing:
a/b ----------------------Hi
Or perhaps you are thinking that references work like this:
Then I say that b
refers to a
b -------------- a ----------------------Hello
Then I change b
, which indirectly changes a
b -------------- a ----------------------Hi
That is, you are expecting to make a reference to a variable, instead of a value. You can do that in C#, like this:
void M(ref int x)
x = 1;
int y = 0;
M(ref y);
That means "for the duration of the call to M, x is another name for y". A change to x changes y because they are the same variable. Notice that the type of the variable need not be a reference type.