I have a partitioned fact table on a SQL Server 2005 (Ent, Ed., 32 bit, SP2) that I am constructing a partition for (the fact table is a snapshot type). The process builds the data in a separate table, applies appropriate indexes and then switches the partition into the table.
This has worked in the past
The table structures are identical and the command raises no errors. If you drop one of the indexes it will raise an error complaining about that.
For some reason the command to switch the partition raises no errors but fails silently. I cannot see why this might be the case.
For example,
alter table wk.FactRIAgedDebt
switch partition 12
to fact.RIAgedDebt partition 12
Runs, with SSMS reporting 'Command (s) completed successfully.
' but running something such as select count (*) from fact.RIAgedDebt
returns 0 rows. The source table wk.FactRIAgedDebt
still has the data in it.
Answer: using the wrong partition function to get the partition number. D'oh!