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Closing HTML Tags Automatically

I've allowed users to use <pre></pre> tags to display code in comments and articles, but I've come across a problem that I'm struggling to solve. When a user fails to close an HTML tag, for example:



the comment appears to be blank. What I'm looking for is some sort of function that will automatically close any HTML tags that the user missed.

Thanks in advance.


  • Well it's going to get nasty if you dont use a framework but your courage is admired. Hopefully this will be a nudge in the right direction.

    The simplest, non-framework solution I can think of is using a stack to push and pop tags while parsing the string from the user.

    pseudo code

    userData = getUserData();
    stack = array();
    loop (line in userData) {
       matches = search for "<*>"; // may have multiple on one line
       loop (match in matches) {
          tagName = getTagNameFrom(match);
          if ("/" is not found) {
             push tagName on stack;
          } else if ("/" is found) {
             pop tagName off stack; 
             // There was an error if the stack is
             // empty or the tagName that was popped was not
             // the same.

    This is by no means comprehensive and a framework is really recommended here, but hopefully it can help out a bit.