My application has a static broadcast receiver that listens to specific data sms on port 50011 to wake up the application and run.
I tested the app on a wide range of android devices (android 2.1 -> android 2.3.4) and it is working perfectly. However, I am trying it now on Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.0.2 and it is failing to receive the binary sms. The OS doesn't seem to consume that SMS as it is not showing any relevant messages in logcat.
Is anyone familiar with that issue?
Here is the receiver part that I wrote in the manifest.
<intent-filter android:priority="10" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED" />
<data android:scheme="sms" />
<data android:host="localhost" />
<data android:port="50011" />
It turned out that the application will not register its broadcast receivers until one of it's activities was launched by the user.
In my case the app didn't contain any Activity.
I added an activity and it is working again. :D
Thanks everyone for your help.