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HQL left join of un-related entities

I have 2 entities, A and B. They are related but I do not want to add the relationship mapping to the beans.

How can we use left outer join between A and B using HQL or criteria?

There are some workarounds available for this,

  1. Use Native SQL as told here.
  2. Add a relationship and use select a from A a left join a.b.
  3. We can do a inner join in the HQL as select * from A a, B b where a.some=b.some

I was always going back these 2 options, is there any alternative for this? Or this in not possible?


  • Currently, the theta-style on joining the unrelated classes in the where clause using HQL only supports inner join.

    The request for supporting the outer join for such situation is currently the 3-rd most voted enhancement but I don't think this feature will be implemented in the near feature as it requires the re-implementation of the current ANTLER-based query parser first which seems to be a gigantic task IMO.

    If you insist to use the HQL to perform left join without adding the relationship between A and B , you can use option 3 to do the inner join first, then use the following HQL

    from A a where a.some not in ( select b.some from B)

    to find out all the A that cannot join B and combine the results programmatically .


    As of release 5.1.0 HHH-16 (Explicit joins on unrelated classes) is fixed and we should be able to join the unrelated entities.