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Pair bluetooth devices to a computer with 32feet .NET Bluetooth library...

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.NET gadgeteer something worth learning?...

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Microcontroller to interface with Led Driver...

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How to use the headphones jack to send data to a circuit board in WP7 or WP8...

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Simple FEZ Cerberus project stuck on "The debugging target runtime is loading the application a...

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ToString(format) which ones are available in the micro framework...

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Why doesn't the NetworkUp event fire on the .Net Gadgeteer GHI WiFi RS21 module?...


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Where is the source code for Gadgeteer.StorageDevice?...

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Can a Gadgeteer device record and then send its location?...

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.NET: Reading data from serial port...

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What is the difference betweet Netduino and .NET Gadgeteer?...

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Netduino or Gadgeteer running IIS and ASP.NET MVC...

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