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LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

I'm using LINQ on an IQueryable returned from NHibernate and I need to select the row with the maximum value(s) in a couple of fields.

I've simplified the bit that I'm sticking on. I need to select the one row from my table with the maximum value in one field.

var table = new Table { new Row(id: 1, status: 10), new Row(id: 2, status: 20) }

from u in table
group u by 1 into g
where u.Status == g.Max(u => u.Status)
select u

This is incorrect but I can't work out the right form.

BTW, what I'm actually trying to achieve is approximately this:

var clientAddress = this.repository.GetAll()
    .GroupBy(a => a)
            g =>
                a =>
                a.Reference == clientReference && 
                a.Status == ClientStatus.Live && 
                a.AddressReference == g.Max(x => x.AddressReference) && 
                a.StartDate == g.Max(x => x.StartDate)))

I started with the above lambda but I've been using LINQPad to try and work out the syntax for selecting the Max().


Removing the GroupBy was key.

var all = this.repository.GetAll();

var address = all
                a =>
                a.Reference == clientReference && 
                a.Status == ClientStatus.Live && 
                a.StartDate == all.Max(x => x.StartDate) &&
                a.AddressReference == all.Max(x => x.AddressReference))


  • I don't see why you are grouping here.

    Try this:

    var maxValue = table.Max(x => x.Status)
    var result = table.First(x => x.Status == maxValue);

    An alternate approach that would iterate table only once would be this:

    var result = table.OrderByDescending(x => x.Status).First();

    This is helpful if table is an IEnumerable<T> that is not present in memory or that is calculated on the fly.