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How do you cast an generic class into an generic class of object?

let's say that you have 2 classes:

public abstract class Foo<T> {
    public abstract T DoSomething();

public class FooInt : Foo<int> {
    public override int DoSomething() {
        return 42;

I want to cast FooInt into Foo<object>. And it is hard to restructure the code because I have a List<Foo<object>> that stores all the Foo class instances. And I do want to keep the overrides of FooInt.

I have tried this:

public static implicit operator Foo<object>(Foo<T> field) { return (Foo<object>)field; }

But I got an Overflow Exception, because it called itself. Then I tried this:

public static implicit operator Foo<object>(Foo<T> field) { return (field as Foo<object>)!; }

But that returned null. And I tried this:

public static implicit operator Foo<object>(Foo<T> field) { return (Foo<object>)(object)field;}

But that gave an Invalid Cast Exception. And I also tried removing the cast but that didn't work either.


  • @Fildor comments , like this

    public interface IFoo
        void DoSome();
    public abstract class Foo<T> : IFoo
        public abstract T DoSomething();
        public void DoSome()
    public class FooInt : Foo<int>
        public override int DoSomething()
            return 42;
    public class FooDouble : Foo<double>
        public override double DoSomething()
            return 42.0;
    List<IFoo> list = new List<IFoo>()
           new FooInt(),
           new FooDouble()
     foreach (var item in list)