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Using Include on a sql view with a different db collation

I got a model and a Sql View (from another DB with another Collation setting).

I put a navigation property on my model and i want to include data from the view but it causes an error.

View defined and mapped to my class in ApplicationDbContext

     .HasKey(v => v.ItemNo);

On my EF core entity

public VariantView? VariantView { get; set;}

In my query i do like

var q = dbContext.Masters.
  .Include(variant => variant!.VariantView)
  .Where(m => m.Id == request.Id);

in pure sql it is easy to fix by forcing the collation on the

FROM Masters m
LEFT JOIN VariantsView AS vv
     ON vv.ItemNo COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = m.ItemNo COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS 

Is there no way to add this to the EF Include method ?

Note: I got 6 others navigation props that gets included as well so rather not go all in on SQL


  • My solution is to add collate statement in the SQL view

    So starting with

        item.[No_] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS as ItemNo, 